Monday, 18 June 2012

Interview tips 1

It is proved in a study conducted with thousands of interviewers around the world that the person interviewing you decides whether to give you the job or not within the " First 4 seconds" of your presence in his room....... Shocking yet interesting!!! So my simple advice would be, stay as confident as you can and give them an impressive greeting. Why you are asked to introduce yourself is 
(1) to see what kind of a person you are and your approach and 
(2) to check whether the personal details and qualifications mentioned in your CV are true. Whatever you speak must be in conformation with what is mentioned in your CV... ( That's how they decide in 4 seconds). So give a confident , short and positive introduction which speaks about your professional qualification and competencies.... that will do.. ........ be slow and steady....... never rush.!!!

All the Best!!!!

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