Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Hi Friends,
                I am back again with another experience. ( I think the word " Enlightenment" would  be appropriate than experience.)This was  happened a few days back.
                 When i was checking the older posts of helpbiotech website  , i had come to see an  ad  post asking for faculty positions  in biotech for degree college .As i am taking coaching for GRE , i thought i can spare time for teaching as part time.So i had started my search in google, writing down the whole list of biotech, microbiology, biochem course offering colleges in Hyderabad and secunderabad (Both degree and PG) and their contact numbers.There were almost 13 colleges.
                  Later I started making calls to each of them asked whether there were any faculty position Vacancy.These were  some of the answers i got from them.
a.)   Sorry , We have already recruited in summer.
b.)   no, wrong number.
c.)   sorry , we do not offer that course.
d.)   We have taken out that course, (this is the most amazing answer.)
                    The only positive response i got,  was from a college named 'Mythri Degree college" located in an area i have never heard of.Then had not told me they have vacancies.but they had asked me bring my resume and meet the principle.On hearing that , i felt as if have already got the job and planned to go their the very next day.
                     The searching of college was very hectic and i have to admit that the pollution and traffic here was unbearable.At last , i fount the college and met the principle.She is a fine middle aged women , humorous and elegant.She had checked my resume and gave me this kind of look which said  like" oh poor girl".Let me put the conversion in her words.
                     " You know in biotechnology , there were only 3 to 4 students who  had joined in our college.The only life science teacher we have is from microbiology, she is also teaching for biotechnology.So we cant afford for another one.See even i am a microbiologist, earlier there was a boom for this applied branches especially biotechnology and i have came through all that period and faced hurdles.This is a bad time for science people.All i can say is that, y dont u prefer learning some practical things like bioinformatics, molecular modelling , drug discovery and something like that . I suggest that it will provide u  a job and good future.Many of the institutes like GVK and NTHRYS were offering such like of courses.try them all the best."
                       You should have seen my face then .and the last word she said was " if you are still desperate for the job i can hire u as teacher  for high school."
                        ( oh god thats enough i am not that desperate , iam out of here).I said "  thank you for your advice madam , I will  surely think about it" and came out without saying an another word.

               All i wanna say is that " THIS IS THE POSITION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY IN INDIA"


  1. Hi,
    I'm Srividya, a fellow life science fresher. Its true that we have dearth of jobs in our field, but I still have hope and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. :-)

  2. Hi srividya , Thank you for following my blog.All the Best for you too.
